Welcome to the OR 2012 Conference - the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society - in the beautiful city of Hannover.
Energy, Markets and Mobility: Three hot topics - both for society at large and for the Operations Research community - will be given special attention at the conference.
- Sprengel Museum
Leibniz Universität Hannover is honored to host this international conference in its beautiful and historic main building, the Welfenschloss, located next to the famous Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen with its reconstructed Herrenhausen Castle.
Hannover is a vibrant city, with a multitude of cultural entertainment, for instance the famous Sprengel Museum devoted to modern art, and recreational offerings, for example, Hannover's world famous zoo.
An attractive social program will give you plenty of opportunity to get to know this attractive city that welcomes you with open arms!
- Grosser Garten, Herrenhausen
- Hannover Adventure Zoo
Photo of the Sprengel Museum: Sprengel Museum Hannover, Photo of the Herrenhäuser Gärten: Karl Johaentges, Photo of the Zoo: Hannover Adventure Zoo